10 Persone
Non specificato

I dolci al cucchiaio sono forse i miei preferiti, perché  permettono di poter dare sfogo alla fantasia senza compromettere il risultato finale.
Per questo dessert devo ringraziare Alessandra, che in una sera d’estate, durante una bellissima festa di compleanno, ci ha fatto assaggiare questi colorati bicchierini.
La ricetta nasce dalla classica cheesecake, ma forse, e sottolineo forse, in versione light!!
Utilizzando pochi ingredienti ritengo che la scelta della qualità degli stessi sia fondamentale; quindi sia per i formaggi che per la frutta cercate di  utilizzare prodotti di alta qualità, vi assicuro che il risultato cambia notevolmente!
Le more di questo dolce, infatti,  sono quelle che ho avuto la fortuna di raccogliere questa estate intorno casa, mentre per i formaggi ho scelto un produttore locale che realizza formaggi d’eccellenza:


per 10 coppette
500 gr di ricotta
300 gr di mascarpone o formaggio spalmabile
4 cucchiai di zucchero
2 fogli di colla di pesce
latte q.b.
Frutta fresca o marmellata

Procedimento:Ammorbidire la colla di pesce in acqua fredda e dopo scioglierla nel latte tiepido.
Lavorare con la frusta elettrica i formaggi insieme allo zucchero, infine aggiungere il latte con i fogli ormai sciolti.
Per la decorazione di frutta potete utilizzare sia quella fresca di stagione, oppure delle buone marmellate.
Io ho utilizzato delle more che avevo surgelato queste estate, ma potete utilizzare la frutta fresca che più vi piace.
In una padella antiaderente fate scaldare la frutta tagliata a pezzettini con il succo di mezzo limone e qualche cucchiaio di zucchero, lasciate caramellare la frutta e poi frullare il tutto.
Se invece utilizzate la marmellata basta stemperarla per alcuni minuti in un pentolino, facendo una salsa liscia.
Ora che le due parti sono state realizzate potete procedere a comporre le coppette o i bicchierini.
E’ possibile alternare il formaggio alla frutta, oppure decorare con la frutta soltanto l’ultimo strato del dolce.

Categoria: Dolci   Tags:, , ,


  1. Satch ha detto:

    Tohoudcwn! That’s a really cool way of putting it!

  2. Indeed Anonymous, if not for the oil they would still be savages but neither armed to the extend they are now, nor admitted to western societies as per the 1973 agreement in order to lift the oil boycot nor pampered by the left for financial aid and political power. However they do have oil and we do have a problem all the more so since unlike them we do not like to mass-murder ideological opponents as a solution and no humane defense against losing our freedom to sharia is in sight yet.

  3. Re: Maybe…Huh. I was actually not aware that was a good target. Mainly because I tend to derive my strategy from blows people have laid on me that actually did some damage, and if anyone ever has tried to even slow me down by hitting me there it didn’t do them any good. But I’ll have to experiment with that somewhat. Especially since, as you point out, it’s not a place I give any thought to defending so it’s quite likely most other people don’t either.

  4. Knowledge wants to be free, just like these articles!

  5. In 2009 gasoline prices got down to $1.65/gal. People were able to get out, and get moving around again.That won't happen this time. We're very unlikely to break $3.00.This is going to be a long, hard slog. We have another Million Barrels/Day coming off-line in just a couple of weeks as the IEA winds down its Strategic Reserve Withdrawals.

  6. Este la fel de rusinos si pentru baieti. Orice prunc de pocait care a trait in liceu, stie cat de greu este sa spui raspicat intr-o discutie ca nu ai nici cea mai mica intentie de a incerca vreo “treaba” inainte de casatorie. Rasetele sunt si mai mari din partea “boilor incaltati”:“Da ce, esti prost ?”.” Pai nu stie nimeni”.”Eu nu te cred”.”Fii serios”. Astea vin acompaniate de cuvinte mai colorate pe care nu le pot reproduce.

  7. Pedro,opakuji tu do úmoru, že hovořím o právu diskutujících vyjádřit svůj názor. O právu znát přesně podmínky, stanovené správcem blogu.Nemluvím tu o trollovi.S Vaším míněním o jeho konverzi souhlasím, sama jsem na to několikrát upozorňovala.Jak to mm ještě napsat, aby mi lidi tady a blogu porozuměli?

  8. Reich als Selbständiger Posted in Februar 28, 2012 by Anthony-James Owen Hallo Ute,wahrscheinlich geht uns das allen so – irgendwann bei der Selbständigkeit. Erkennen was die Vor- und Nachteile sind. Die wirklichen. Und nicht die gesellschaftlich akzeptierten. Weiter viel Erfolg. Und wie immer danke fürs Lesen, Hören und Kommentieren. Grüße an das tys/kom Team und den Hund (wir haben eine Katze)sendet Anthony

  9. Make ice cubes with leftover coffee. Once they are frozen, put them in a plastic freezer bag so they don’t take up your ice cube trays!

  10. Heck yeah bay-bee keep them coming!

  11. Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my questions…until now.

  12. karine dit :Good trailer! comme votre séjour au Mexique une quête de l’extraordinaire, dans la simplicité. Merci de partager votre expérience avec nous. have fun!

  13. I feel so much happier now I understand all this. Thanks!

  14. queno, your last sentence is obviously true. As you noted, the problem comes when those who believe in such pseudo-doctrines use them to justify their action (or inaction) or attitudes toward a person or group. Those actions and atitudes are made far more likely by the persistence of the psuedo-doctrines we are talking about. The responsible action is, in my view, to do away with them, because I disagree with the original post that there is any legitimate basis to believe in them in the first place.

  15. That hits the target dead center! Great answer!

  16. Здравствуйте.Наши легкие эластичные флюиды содержат светоотражающие частицы, корректируют незначительные недостатки кожи, прекрасно увлажняют кожу вокруг глаз. Наносится перед нанесением основного тона, затем растушовывается.(anticerne liquide).

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  20. Free knowledge like this doesn’t just help, it promote democracy. Thank you.

  21. You’ve really impressed me with that answer!

  22. Hey Kross!  Sorry you didn’t dig Dragonforce, but its just entrance music for Sabrina and Brooke.  It’s not something that’s going to be happening with regularity.  Though, that’s a shame that they were so lame in concert.  XD Anywho, I’m glad you’re digging the behind the scenes drama.  Ah, nice prediction on the ref being Vincent.  That’d be a hell of a way for Sabrina to find out, wouldn’t it?

  23. With the bases loaded you struck us out with that answer!

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  25. That’s a crackerjack answer to an interesting question

  26. That’s the thinking of a creative mind

  27. Merci beaucoup Emiiiiii, ça fait toujours plaisir de voir que vous aimez nos applis…Nous allons en sortir d’autres prochainement.. si vous voulez en être informée, n’hésitez pas à nous laisser nous votre mail dans le « mot aux parents » ou sur notre site (tout en bas …)à bientôt j’espère…

  28. To help keep the earth clean, I wait for specials on ink recycling. I can hardly wait to take my cartridges to Walgreens and fill them up for $1 each. I also reuse all my scraps, and crochet my own flowers.Thanks for the chance to win!Carmen Lucero

  29. A Mosqueado:Evidentemente, llevas toda la razón y se trata de Exxon (que es la petrolera) y no Epson. Ahora mismo no sabría decirte si ha sido un lapsus del profesor Arcadi Espada o un error nuestro en la transcripción, pero te agradezco enormemente tu corrección, amigo.Un fuerte abrazo.

  30. Lean Pockets? What’s wrong with those? Lots of wholesome leanness – you can’t go wrong. Do you think the Pumpkin Spice coffee manufacturers put any real pumpkin anywhere in there? Do we even want to know?

  31. This is a text message that I received from Jake’s dad last night…”Jake is still in ICU on ventelator. He has bladder and lung infections. Drains in his brain are working well getting the blood out and he may have the other shunt surgery the first of next week. Thanks for your prayers…” Jeff

  32. Visiting from BPOTW.This story cracked me up. Seems like HR departments should provide a class during orientation for restroom etiquette. Just saying, if you are interested in a similar story from the other perspective, see “close call” at kippsversion.blogspot.com.

  33. Mes meilleurs voeux à toute notre grande famille alembertine et à la descendance ; beaucoup de bonheur, de joie et surtout de santé a tous.Amitiés à tous.Peut-être Saint-Pourcain, en juilletBernard-Jeannette

  34. That’s the perfect insight in a thread like this.

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  36. Argh, j'en ai terriblement envie. La croûte a l'air démente. Mais je n'aurai jamais le courage de me lancer là-dedans… (sans compter qu'il faudrait que je réanime Anatole au préalable)Par contre, je pourrais réutiliser le glaçage sur une brioche plus classique…

  37. 02/06/2011 – 1:47pmCreo que Van der Sar canta un poco en el primer gol, pero no dicen que es gracias al pase magistral de Xavi, quien atrae toda la atención y se la entrega a Pedro con tal precisión que muchos no podrían hacerlo ni con las manos, y el canario queda completamente solo para definir a placer.No te preocupes astur, que ser culé se siente por sobre todas las cosas, cueste lo que cueste.

  38. Four score and seven minutes ago, I read a sweet article. Lol thanks

  39. Sharp thinking! Thanks for the answer.

  40. – It’s not 11 on Tuesday, but you need to add a number 11 to tell us when you’re telling your secret. Or maybe you’re not? Yes you are. Give us a timeline.And I’m glad Kylie is back! Poor doggie.October 14, 2008 – 2:18 pm

  41. To sum up Machiavelli's debt comments: Bush left Obama a huge debt, which is bad. But Obama can bury us in debt financed at attractive low rates, which is good. Actually, that's a wrong summation. My own personal summation would be, Bush increased the debt as % of GDP during good times which is pretty unprecedented.Obama has increased the debt during a crisis and a recession which is typical and understandable. But despite both of these increases of debt, we are still fine and debt is not a problem in the short term.

  42. Grade A stuff. I’m unquestionably in your debt.

  43. Quoting James Worthy on TV after tbe game:I don’t know what Mike Brown is saying to these guys but they are Playing without passion or desire.SMACK! Right across the head from Laker winner and respected analyst James Worthy!Wake up Buss family, Brown turned 4/5 of the DREAM TEAM into a LOTTERY TEAM!

  44. Smart thinking – a clever way of looking at it.

  45. At last! Someone with the insight to solve the problem!

  46. Crap, under my last post, in the section labeled “FACT 3” I made an important typo. The last part should read, “LD 2079 was passed into law in February 2008.” Again, the newest law just enacted in Maine was passed in 2008, not 2005. Sorry for the big mistake.

  47. I think we all had better ponder what kind of welcome we'll get at the pearly gates, especially those who go around promoting heretical positions. Sr. Simone is the one who expostulated that questions about abortion were "above her paygrade." Seriously? Is she Catholic?

  48. Le verbe qui suit la locution « après que » doit être à l’indicatif et non pas au subjonctifRaphaëlle RIDARCH a récemment publié un post :

  49. Thank God! Someone with brains speaks!

  50. We ALWAYS cook for the holidays!! =) We LOVE this time of year because of the Fall Harvest so I will be taking photos with Grandpas and dad in the Combine!! Also for Christmas the decorating will be a photo opt too!! THANKS for sharing and for the chance to win!! Have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

  51. I’m giving myself 8 and a 1/2 months to reach that goal. And that’s to be modest. If the 5000 books sold make is reach before Jan. 15, 2012… believe me when i tell you….I WILL BE TELLING THE WORLD.ROAM!

  52. C’était voulu… Mais il affirme que tlm a droit de s’exprimer et que si on est pas content qu’on a juste a aller voir ailleur.Je dit qu’il a l’air cave sur sa photo pas qu’il est cave. Et je pense pas que personne ici va me dire qu’il a une photo qui a du bon sang. Sinon vous retournerai lire le dernier article avec les commentaires qui vont avec.

  53. マリちゃん、よかったじゃん XDDand his “Panda?” sounded extremely German, didn’t it? xDI was a bit confused by how they kept switching ppl though, and the staff was clearly not prepared for the case that they actually solve the final one xD this was so awesome, more pls 😀

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  55. Got it! Thanks a lot again for helping me out!

  56. Mie mi se pare o cestiune extrem de importanta.A nu vorbi despre deficitul comercial al unei tari este echivalent cu a pretinde carciumarului sa iti dea bautura pe gratis !!! Ma rog merge o cinzeaca , un pahar de vin ptr un clinet bun dar …Asta a patit-o si coana Europa cand s-a dus la chinezi solicitand ajutor si au primit niste sfaturi “conservatoare” – asbolut normale!!!

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  58. Hi Sarah, there is a new FAQ video coming out this saturday on this post that should help. What colour did you use? Gel / powder / liquid? Did you weigh the ingredients or use cups – if cups were they australian cup sizes -250ml for 1 cup? It works still with USA cups 237ml but works better with the 250ml size. On the FAQ video I explain how to do a’practice’ batch – this is what I would suggest.

  59. Thank you for reviewing a S. Orlando. location. So often, this area is overlooked by blogs when there’s so many good spots here. La Fortuna is one of my favorite places to hang out when I have time mid-day. It’s a great place to people watch as so many old-school, regally dressed Latinos come by for merienda. In addition to cafe con leche and pandebono, I may opt for one of their fruit shakes made with fresh juice/pulp. Their mango shake is especially divine on a hot day.

  60. Wow I love this story! You get the feeling of closeness of a community that Congress lacks. A community that works as a team and one that is engaged with civil discourse. Would be great to have a person such as Don German to consider using his talents to help mend fences in Congress.Thanks for a great story that shows the flavor of that small community.

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  62. What I’d like to know is how we’re expected to sustain this growth. Sure there are schools planned, but who’s gonna raise more than 1 kid downtown? When the cheaper places are going for 630 a sqft… let me tell ya, getting that third bedroom doesn’t look pretty. I am just happy I bought into this crazy market when I did. By the way, most of us Vancouverites have an affinity for Seattle… it’s like our sister! – Rate this comment: 0  0

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  68. This is crystal clear. Thanks for taking the time!

  69. I’m waiting for a copy of 19th Wife from the library, so it could be much later in the year that I get the book.It’s interesting how we all react/relate to the same book isn’t it?My kids both had a sign at the back of their classroom in kindergarten – “Everyone is different and that is OK”It’s a bit of a mantra in our household!K

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  77. Just warning all of you, the full-fledged Interlull podcast will be next week, so keep up the topics. We will get to a couple when we record tonight. Oh, and we have a first-timer on the podcast tonight. It’s gonna be AWESOME.

  78. If you wrote an article about life we’d all reach enlightenment.

  79. Tiens, le coup des chars russes, ça faisait au moins 15 minutes que je n’en avais pas entendu parler. C’est fou comme, dès qu’on parle de justice sociale et fiscale, on nous menace d’invasion nord-coréenne !

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  82. Enlightening the world, one helpful article at a time.

  83. Great insight! That’s the answer we’ve been looking for.

  84. Sabe tudo Paula!!!Cada vez mais te admiro!! Cara, se todas as blogueiras fossem assim estariamos super no lucro. Fiquei lendo o post e rindo sozinha, faz tempo que acompanho o blog e também te acompanho pelo twitter, então presenciei muito bafafa de pessoas que não tem mais o que fazer, deveriam se espelhar em vc e não falar asneiras.Parabéns pelo blog, parabéns por vc ser tão incrível!! Sou sua fã!!Não costumo comentar muito, mas esse post não podia deixar passar… bjãoo

  85. Awsome info and straight to the point. I don’t know if this is really the best place to ask but do you people have any thoughts on where to get some professional writers? Thank you 🙂

  86. Great article, thank you again for writing.

  87. Now I know who the brainy one is, I’ll keep looking for your posts.

  88. Encore un oiseau qui va agacer Francisca parce qu’on peut le voir avec beaucoup de plumages différents. Malgré tout, je crois que la queue en vol est assez caractéristique de l’espèce. Je le vois souvent en montagne, et c’est vrai, en général, perché sur une pierre.

  89. Hmm, no, not really. It’s pretty much stalled. I’m working, so I only have so much time for it. I don’t know what Basher and Jesper are doing though, but I guess they have their reasons.The first release candidate of Battle for Wesnoth is out now and I’m sad to say that Danish is _not_ included. 🙁

  90. “Witamy w Tesco, na wieki wieków,Witamy w Tesco, na wieki wieków,Witamy w Tesco, na wieki wieków…”or in the states“Welcome to WalMart, peace be with you,Welcome to WalMart, peace be with you,Welcome to WalMart, peace be with you …”anyone who gets that reference has too much free time.

  91. Keep on writing and chugging away!

  92. If you got money get whey protein with glutamine, creatine and bcaa added to it, and multi vitamins. Obviously its better to have these things than not as they do make a difference. If you’re tight or can’t afford them its not a problem, results will just come a small slower

  93. eek! The chocolate covered bacon looks a little odd! I suppose in Scotland they’ve been frying Mars Bars for a while though!!You can buy blended milkshakes with bacon and other savory foods in them… never had one though! I prefer a good ol’ sweet treat!xx

  94. Für des Editorial zum WissensWert Blog Carnival Nr. 1 schaue ich mir gerade alle 15 Beiträge an, um gemeinsame Aussagen herauszufiltern. Habe erstmals twittermap angeklickt. Ich finde, das könnte ein netter Bildschirmschoner oder oderauch Pausenfüller in meinen Lehrveranstaltungen sein ). Und Grüsse an PAUL, ganz informell.

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  96. Realmente é uma irresponsabilidade colocar vidro solto no saco de lixo. Mas também é uma irresponsabilidade a prefeitura deixar os garis trabalharem sem luvas, né? Quem vê na a maneira que eles trabalham sabem que as vezes tem garis de chinelo, bermuda, motorista que para caminhão no meio da rua, etc.

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  102. Je viens de me faire Young-Murray et Del Po-Ljubicic.Murray n’avait pas envie de jouer au tennis. Moi ça m’arrive à mon boulot, je peux comprendre, en plus lui il a le choix. Young, c’est pas grand chose au plus haut niveau. Le type s’il est un jour 20e, ça sera sa limite absolue.Del Po, sa ré-inissialisation se passe parfaitement, zéro beug, la v.3 est de retour, et en plus tu le vois jouer tu te dis q’il est seulement à 70%. A RG, s’il est à 88% on va rigoler.

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  109. ben oui, je sais, mais bon, le gazon a changé, comme je l’ai expliqué dans un post précédent (The grass, monsieur le président). Cela étant, je ne pense pas que le service volée soit encore réellement possible à l’heure actuelle, vu la vitesse et la violence des frappes.

  110. Hey, Davey, I got your acknowledgment and love you back for reminding me of being a self expressing self in my unique way. The world is a mirror. Thanks for being who you are.love, peace, for everyone, Don

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  112. I love these articles. How many words can a wordsmith smith?

  113. Good morning Linda, Janel and breanne! Caught up on all things David , VOTED and now off to work! Thanks to all for the links and beautiful sentiments for the families and children involved in yesterday’s tragedy.

  114. … wow! also wohin trampt der Dougles jetzt???? Ich glaub mit dem wuerd ich auch gern fruehstuecken oder sollte ich lieber sagen mit seinem geilen laecheln. Schoen Gruesse and den Israeli Ely von der Elly aus dem Middle East. Salam

  115. If you go to Jodi’s page she has a link. Otherwise I just buy it at the grocery store. It is better to buy the expeller pressed organic coconut oil, which I think it carried by most health food stores.But Jodi has a link to buy online, in case you can’t find it in your area. It is some great stuff!

  116. IMHO (as a former 4 year resident in the Arab world)“Most” Muslims or a “FEW” Muslims that want us all DEAD or CONVERTED simply aint the issue Folks……………………..the term that counts is “ENOUGH” of them that want us DEAD or CONVERTED. And sadly there ARE “ENOUGH”.In this regard we basically have three optional paths:1. Roll back the morality of ‘the West’ to 1800 or perhaps even earlierOR2. CONVERT the entire Western Hemisphere to IslamOR3. Kill or BE KilledJust because truth aint pretty rarely makes it any LESS true…………….

  117. So your saying because spain will win england will automatically do shit? I dont understand your logic. Also england are a top cricket team hence the recent performances in the world 2020 cup. We are now in the semi final defeating south africa and New zealand. I would agree england are terrible at tennis though. England do have a better chance than previous years, top manager and some top players. I wouldnt say losing in the quarter final is shit tbh.

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  174. they expected a backlash in response the murders mentioned in point 1). But then again it makes more sense for the media to attribute it to Quran burning as then the Muslims look crazy and if they say the truth and attribute it to being a response to the kill team then the Afghans dont look as crazy and fanatical.

  175. tree ~ until today I had erroneously thought the theatre bombing occurred before Redgrave’s Oscars speech – in fact it was 2 months after. The 1978 Oscars were held and the theatre bombing occurred . In my previous comment I linked to a 60 Minutes interview which shows some of the JDL protests and a few small clips of the The Palestinians. I’d like to see it in full but it seems pretty scarce.

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